Advanced Surveillance / Harassment Technologies


    eg. Laser – facilitated listening devices (satellite or ground based – see “Technologies” page); rifle mikes; misused communications and military satellites.


    eg. Thermal imaging satellites; aircraft-based “monitors” (see “Technologies” page); weather satellites and “others”, many with dual (unpublicised) capabilities.


    eg. Aural signals (voices/music/noise) heard by “targeted” individuals.
    eg. Visual interference (holographs, haze etc) seen by “targeted” individuals.


    eg. Brain wave monitoring (via satellite), the results being analysed by thought-activated computers.


    eg: “Remote” mind control.
    eg: More extensive “Star Wars” technologies.
    NB: Information currently available indicates that the US Star Wars project was largely a front for setting up these other technologies. They are designed to monitor and control those with knowledge / views which concern powerful criminals.

The technologies are usually “non-lethal’. (Information on technologies which can affect weather patterns, cause earthquakes etc should be sought from other websites).

Advice for Victims

The best approach is to ignore the feedback and lodge complaints with the political unit of the relevant Federal Police department. Unfortunately this sort of satellite monitoring is common and nothing can be done to stop it BUT complaints ensure physical safety.

Thinking on a “non-worded”, multi-functional level and keeping busy seem to help as they reduce the effectiveness of the relevant computer equipment.

In other words, don’t think too intently on any one topic or on spelling etc because the computer’s vocabulary is extensive and the equipment feeds off specifics. Remember, it is “thought-activated”.

Victims should endeavour to allow for the fact that fellow victims nearby are probably in different programs; so as to prevent networking and comraderie amongst targets. This also hinders investigators (e.g. AFP) as they cannot identify common patterns. Personal egos and self interest should be put aside as these too can lead to isolation for victims.

It is also worth noting that mind reading technologies allow for stolen memories (good or bad) to be used to torment you. They facilitate illegal research, duplication, fraud and other crimes.

Note:- The military have scanners which can detect the monitoring/interference but, for “political and legal reasons”, they will not help. However, complaints can be lodged with Federal Police and the Head of State (or Leader) of your country of residence.

Some of the companies involved in high tech ‘human research’ include :- Raytheon, General Dynamics, Systems and Electronics Inc., Technology Patents LLC, Dome and Magalin Inc and MRU (Mankind Research United). These, along with military/agency facilities like the CIA’s Langley Research Centre and the NSA’s Fort Meade Centre are involved in Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM), Electronic Brain Linking (EBL) and other hideously inhuman projects designed to study methods of controlling/using human beings without their approval.


Although I believe advertised “defence” devices are of dubious value, they are available …

EG1 Masach Technologies Ltd – Tel 9722 5356 607 Fax 6617. They sell custom designed RF Shields

EG2 Tintamerica – They sell GP/Window films

– The Union of Concerned Scientists, 2 Brattle Square, Cambridge, MA 012138-3780. Ph: 1 (617) 547-5552. They oppose the misuse of science including the use of secret space – based weapons.
– The Centre for Science and Democracy. Contact : Pallavi Phartigal, They are part of the Union of Concerned Scientists and work to promote gov’t accountability and the proper intersection of the use of science and the maintaining of democratic freedoms…This is something sadly lacking today as most gov’t / syndicate / agency personnel, being corruptible, will do anything they can get away with and modern (hidden) scientific advances allow many crimes to go unchecked.
– Geral W. Sosbee, ex FBI,
– Association against the abuse of psychological weapons,
– Mind Justice- Contact – Cheryl Welsh
– Mind Justice News Group – Contact Allen Barker
– The Mind Control Forum –
– THE UN (UNIDIR – The U.N Institute for Disarmament
Research They recognise non-lethal/ “Mind control” weapons and recommend they be banned.
– The European Parliament – Resolution A4-0005/99 Jan 28, 99 called for a world wide ban on weapons for human manipulation.
– The International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva. Contact – Dominique Loye Tel – 02 2734 6001 Fax – 02 2733 2057
– U.S. Rep Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) – he introduced a bill to ban weapons in space (The Space Preservation ACT of 2001, HR 2977.) It originally mentioned “mind control”, “psychotronic weapons” etc but was later watered down.
– The Church of Scientology – CAPP (Campaign Against Political Psychiatry)
– Christians Against Mental Slavery – CAMS
– John Allman (
– Amnesty International
– Mind Control Activists –
– Southeastern Christians – Dr Gillam,
– Movement to ban technical manipulation of humans – Mojmir Babacek
– UK Peace and Progress Party –

– Dr Nick Begich – Author, H.R. Lobbyist (to the UN, European Party etc)
– Dr Rauni Kilde – (Formerly Finland’s Chief Medical Officer)
n.b. I share her view that all pyschic/alien “phenomena” can be traced to the exponents of high tech experimentation.
– Carole Smith – Pyschologist, M.R. Activisit –
– Ted Jackson – media commentator – – Joan Farr Heffington, Association for Honest Attorneys, (AHA),
– Dr John Hall
– Derrick Robinson, FFCHS,

The following have been involved in saving victims from institutionalisation by using letters from targeted individuals.

– Deborah Dupre –

– Bob S. Dewell –

Defensive technologies are advertised by the EMF Safety Superstore (check the internet) although I, personally, place little faith in the ability of any device available to the public to check fields or waves of the sort used by the perpetrators.

Victims should be aware that the definition of paranoid schizophrenia as “amended”, includes victims references to voices and the belief that someone’s reading/controlling their mind. Although, technology allows illegal experiments to involve the remote causation of all these “symptoms”. The psych bibles do not contain that “classified” information. This is so that psychiatrists can be used to discredit victims by joining them with those who have a genuine condition. Long term unemployment, isolation and other social problems also fit the psych profile of schizophrenics but, again, most victims of technology crimes finish up in the same position and so can easily be confused with those having the disorder.

The US House Permanent Select Committee on intelligence should be looking into the relevant crimes as should the US House oversight and government reform subcommittee on national security and foreign affairs. Any approaches to these bodies through MPS, should note that the Departments of Defence, Energy, Homeland Security, Treasury, State etc as well as the CIA, NSA, DIA, NRO, ODNI, Office of Homeland Security and (since ’96 when this escalated) the NGIA (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency) are all involved or complicit in the crimes in question. The systematic covert oppression, discreditation, experimentation and more in relation to caring, honest citizens branded as dissidents by criminals in high places is one of the greatest hidden crimes of the last 50 years. It is a ‘silent holocaust’.

Particular note should be taken of the remote viewing operations at the CIA’s Langley Research Centre and the NSA’s Fort Meade, Maryland Complex. Both have large teams working on programs like “Mindstar” which involve experimenting on media/environment/criminal critics. These programs involve the use of psychotronic, directed energy and EM weapons; satellite facilitated and with media mafia feedback. They are inhuman, evil and satanic. We must search for ways to inform the public, by-passing the criminally complicit media whose members have clearly sold their souls on this issue and many others.

Remember that whilst precise deciphering of human thought gathered from brain wave monitoring involves similiar software for all targets, each individual has a unique electronic resonance frequency making their brain an independent receiver/transmitter.

So your brain waves allow you to be tracked/monitored 24/7. Since the source of all words, actions etc is the brain, no other transmitter is necessary.

PUBLIC LAW 95-79 [P.L. 95-79]

“The use of human subjects will be allowed for the testing of chemical and biological agents by the U.S. Department of Defense, accounting to Congressional committees with respect to the experiments and studies”.

“The Secretary of Defense [may] conduct test and experiments involving the use of chemical and biological [warfare] agents on civilian populations [within the United States].”

Public Law 95-79, Title VIII, Sec. 808, July 30, 1977. 91 Stat. 334. In U.S. Statutes-at-Large, Vol 91, page 334, you will find Public Law 95-79. Public Law 97-375, title II, Sec. 203(a)(1), Dec. 21, 1982, 96 Stat. 1882. In U.S. Statutes-at-Large, Vol. 96, page 1882, you find will Public Law 97-375.

This is clearly outrageous in itself, but psychotronic EM and directed energy weapons are also used these days. Satellite faciliation of the inhuman studies in question presents international law problems (and deliberately so).

A list of “Crimes Against Humanity” under the guise of legitimate experimentation can be found at and similar sites.

The Torture Prevention Society –

The Stalking Resource Centre –